Ditch The “Other” Economy In 2025 and Beyond!

It seems like everywhere you look—from the news to social media to streaming platforms—the spotlight is always on other people. Their lives. Their successes. Their opinions. Their drama. Their relationships. Their achievements. Their everything!

It’s the never-ending cycle of who’s dating who, which celebrity just got engaged, what influencer is promoting the next product, and countless amount of strangers that come across your timeline sharing every detail of their day on TikTok. It’s all about them. With this constant overflow, one thing gets lost: you.

We live in a society that focuses so much on other people’s lives so intensely that it’s easy to lose touch with our own. What about your life? Your goals? Your joy? Your needs? If you feel like you’ve been caught up in this “other” economy, it’s time to take a step back. This guide will explore how to leave the “other” economy behind in 2025 and beyond, focus on living authentically for yourself, and start prioritizing yourself. You only get one life, and you shouldn't spend it being involved in others, it's time to tune out other people and tune into yourself. Your future self will thank you for it. Remember life is too precious to spend it tracking someone else’s dreams, not fully living your own.


  1. How to become the center of your own world

  2. How to leave the “other” economy behind and live authentically for yourself

  3. Practical ways to start prioritizing yourself in 2025 and beyond

Become the Center of Your World

You entered this world alone, and you’ll leave it the same way. But somewhere along the way, many of us are conditioned to believe that prioritizing ourselves is selfish. We’re told to always put others first—whether it’s through the media we watched as kids, the advice passed down by family, or the cultural narrative that celebrates self-sacrifice over self-care.

Let’s get one thing clear: selfishness is not the same as prioritizing yourself. True selfishness is when you harm others or step on them for your own gain. Prioritizing yourself, however, is about upholding your boundaries, pursuing your happiness, and taking care of your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. The media has warped the definition of “selfish” for far too long, but 2025 is your year to reclaim it. Prioritizing yourself isn’t just healthy—it’s truly essential.

Why the “Other Economy” Is So Heavily Pushed

The “other” economy thrives on feeding us other people’s lives, opinions, and carefully curated realities, leaving little room for us to focus on our own. You might be thinking “Why is it so pervasive?” The answer lies in three key components: money, time, and control.

When we are immersed in the “other” economy, our attention is glued to external stories—from YouTuber’s vlogs to influencer’s skincare routines to celebrity endorsements. Companies profit from selling us the illusion of a “better” life, convincing us that if we just buy what they’re selling, we too can achieve perfection. Actors aren’t just actors anymore; they’re brands. Musicians are no longer just about the music; they’re selling a lifestyle. It’s all carefully curated to hook you, distract you, and make you spend your time, money, and energy chasing after their definition of success.

But what gets lost in the process is your unique identity. The time you spend consuming other people’s curated realities could be spent building your own. The money you spend on products influencers promote could be invested in things that actually fulfill you. The control you forfeit to external influences could be used to shape your own life—on your terms. Instead of looking to that person or people for advice, start looking to yourself. You have all the answers inside of you and more often thsn not what works for some people might not work for you. There is no one-size-fits-all to anything in life. 

The External World vs. The Internal World

Let’s preface this by saying there’s nothing wrong with admiring an influencer, enjoying a celebrity’s work, or taking inspiration from someone’s lifestyle. The problem is when you’re so immersed in their world that you neglect your own.

The external world will always try to persuade you to believe, act, and live in certain ways. But your internal world—your unique thoughts, beliefs, and values—is where your truth lives. That truth is what makes you authentically you. When you’re connected to your internal world, you can discern what truly matters to you and what’s just noise.

Ask Yourself This:

Am I living for myself, or am I living vicariously through someone else’s Instagram?

Am I making decisions based on my values, or am I influenced by what’s trendy?

Am I spending my time building my life, or am I watching others build theirs?

If the answers lean toward the external world, it’s time to Ctrl-Alt-Delete. 

Focusing on Yourself Makes You Magnetic

Have you ever met someone who exudes unshakable confidence and authenticity? They seem so grounded in who they are that nothing can convince them otherwise. These people have one thing in common: they prioritize themselves. They’ve created such a strong sense of self that external opinions, setbacks, or distractions can’t derail them.

When you focus on yourself, you naturally become more magnetic. Why? Because authenticity is powerful. People are drawn to those who live unapologetically as themselves. Prioritizing yourself doesn’t mean you’ll never care about others or face insecurities. It means you’ll have an internal foundation so strong that no matter what you'll always be able to bounce back, stay true to your values, and keep moving forward no matter what or who stands in your way.

Your energy sets the tone for your life. When you direct it inward—toward your goals, happiness, and growth—you attract experiences and people that align with your truth. By tuning out the noise of the “other” economy, you’ll start to create a life that reflects your deepest desires and values.

Tuning Into Your TV Station Tunes Out the Others

After a long day of work, most people come home and turn on the TV, which is bombarded with negative news, shock value stories, and dramas that keep you in a constant state of fear. This is what plays all day until they go to sleep. What this does is tune you into a lower, negative vibration, making you fearful of the outside world and those around you. Social media and news outlets focus heavily on the negative, rarely highlighting the positive. But if you just turned off your TV and the accounts you follow, you'd have more time to look around at your immediate surroundings and realize it’s not as bad as it may seem.

While it’s important not to be ignorant of current events, there’s no need to be consumed by them daily to the point where they interfere with your actions. When you turn off CNN, Fox, and MSNBC, you can tune into your own station. With intention, you can make sure that the channel is focused on building a strong internal foundation—prioritizing yourself and your needs.

By not feeding into the external stations, you take away their power over your day, your emotions, and your life. And when you start tuning into your own station, that’s when you can create your own lifelong series—one that reflects what you truly want to watch on the screen of your life. After all, I'm pretty sure you’d want to root for the main character all the way through, wouldn’t you?

Your Power Is Taken When You Don’t Prioritize Yourself

When you’re too focused on what others are doing, you lose connection with your own inner guidance. Each of us has an internal compass—a combination of intuition, higher power, and self-awareness—that knows what’s best for us. But if you’re constantly distracted by external events, that inner voice gets drowned out.

Living in the “other” economy robs you of your power. It takes away your ability to hear your intuition, act on your dreams, and live authentically. Tuning into yourself isn’t selfish; it’s essential to living a life that is fulfilling and enjoyable. 

5 Things You Can Do to Start Prioritizing Yourself in 2025 & Beyond

Ready to leave the “other” economy behind and start living for yourself? Here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Practice Meditation: Meditation helps you quiet the noise of the external world and connect with your inner self. To help you with this step, we have created these guided meditations designed to help you build self-awareness, self-clarity, and self-care, helping you align with your authentic self-expression.

  2. Start Journaling: Journaling is a powerful tool for self-reflection. Write about your goals, dreams, and thoughts. Use prompts like, “What does a fulfilling life look like for me?” or “What can I do today to prioritize my happiness?” Check out our Internal Roadmap, to help you with this step.

  3. Limit Lifestyle Content Consumption: Set boundaries around how much time you spend watching influencers, celebrities, or vloggers. Instead of doom scrolling, redirect that time toward activities that improve your life.

  4. Pursue a New Hobby or Class: Have you always wanted to try painting, learn a language, or take a cooking class? Now’s the time. Engaging in something you’re passionate about is a great way to reconnect with yourself and you'll never know what it could lead to, but don't try to go into a class wanting to be the next Picasso, detach from a specific goal, and just do it for fun.

  5. Take Calculated Risks: Sometimes, prioritizing yourself means stepping out of your comfort zone and doing something you've never done before. Maybe it looks like taking that vacation you've been holding off. Whether it’s starting a side hustle, traveling solo, or speaking up for your needs, taking risks can lead to very much-needed growth.

Practice Living in the “You” Economy 
Leaving the “other” economy behind doesn’t mean you stop caring about others or enjoying their work. It means shifting the focus back to you. Your life is your life. You don't want to look back regretfully on how you spent your days. This is the youngest you'll ever be and you don't know when it's your time to go. Being alive is the greatest gift, and it’s too short to spend it living vicariously through someone else’s. By becoming the center of your own world, tuning into your
inner guidance, and prioritizing your happiness, you can create a life that feels deeply authentic and fulfilling.

In 2025 and beyond, let’s all ditch the “other” economy together and step into the most authentic, magnetic versions of ourselves. Your life deserves your full attention. Are you ready to live it?

Well don't wait, start immediately! 

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Read This As a Guide In Times of Uncertainty


You Are Meant to Be a Creator Not a Consumer