Unsubscribe to Consuming Things That No Longer Serve You!

Is Your Daily Consumption Serving You? If Not, Learn to Unplug, Reboot, and Reset

What you consume daily has a profound effect on your mindset, habits, and overall life. Think of your subconscious mind as a curious student, eager to learn but unable to distinguish between fact and fiction. This mental "student" absorbs whatever "teacher" is standing in front of it—the content you consume. If you constantly expose yourself to negative, dramatic, or unhelpful media, your subconscious will treat it as truth, shaping your reality to match.


  1. Why what you consume every day is crucial to your success or failure.

  2. How the content you consume is like a projector screen to your subconscious mind.

  3. Steps to start consuming content that aligns with the life you want to create.

The Subconscious: A Student Without Reasoning

Your subconscious mind doesn’t reason like you do. It absorbs everything it encounters, treating it as a lesson about the world. Imagine a classroom where the teacher (content) projects ideas onto a screen. The students (your subconscious) learn and accept it without question unless they’re taught to challenge or replace it. But here’s the thing: the subconscious mind doesn’t reason like a student would. This is the basis of conditioning.

In school, you were conditioned to believe certain things about history, science, or even yourself and then use this data to move forward in your life. Your brain is like a computer and the operating system is the beliefs you downloaded into it, and whatever you downloaded changes how this computer (brain) functions. Similarly, every video you watch, post you scroll past, or article you read adds another layer to your software. Without careful consideration, your subconscious starts to build a version of reality based solely on what you’ve consumed—whether it’s accurate or not.

Why It’s Critical to Guard Your Software

The way you see the world—and your place in it—is shaped by what you consume. If your social media feed is filled with negativity, drama, or doomscrolling, your subconscious adopts those narratives as facts. You may start to believe that everyone is struggling, unhappy, or doomed.

Your subconscious mind might assume this as a fact, however the truth is that not everyone is unhappy. Not everyone is struggling. Not everyone is broke. Not everyone is miserable. There are 8 billion people on this planet, it would be silly to assume every person on this gigantic planet is living the same as you. Right now, someone is surfing in the Pacific Ocean, sipping mojitos on a sunlit beach. Your reality doesn’t have to mirror the negativity you’ve been conditioned to believe.

By exposing yourself to uplifting, inspiring, and diverse content, you expand your subconscious mind’s understanding of what’s possible. When your internal world changes—your beliefs, assumptions, and outlook—your external reality follows suit.

The Power of Intentional Consumption

Your internal state creates your external world. The beliefs you hold about yourself and life determine how you interact with the world—and how the world interacts with you. Think of this as the law of reflection: the energy you emit through your beliefs and actions is mirrored back to you.

This is why intentional consumption is vital and you have the power to curate your mental diet. Here are practical ways to ensure you’re feeding your mind with content that not only uplifts but empowers:

Steps to Only Consume Content That Aligns with Your Goals

1. Audit Your Current Inputs

Take a moment to evaluate what you’re consuming daily.

  • What does your social media feed look like?

  • Are you subscribed to channels or pages that thrive on negativity?

  • What types of shows, movies, or podcasts are you regularly watching?

Be honest. If the majority of your consumption leaves you feeling anxious, uninspired or drained, it’s time to make a change.

2. Time to Unsubscribe and Detox

You wouldn’t eat food that makes you sick, so why consume content that harms your mental state? Think of your brain similarly to your body. Whatever you put in it determines its overall well-being. Unsubscribe from channels, accounts, and media that no longer serve you. Replace them with sources that inspire and motivate you.

Follow creators who share experiences that align with the life you want to live—whether it’s traveling the world, pursuing a creative passion, or simply embracing optimism.

3. Surround Yourself with Like-Minded People

Your environment plays a crucial role in shaping your beliefs. Surround yourself with people who uplift you and challenge you to grow. If you don’t have people in your immediate circle, seek online communities or mentorships that align with your aspirations.

4. Expose Yourself to Diverse Lifestyles

Social media often presents a skewed version of reality. Break free from the bubble by exploring different ways of living. Watch documentaries, read about cultures around the globe, or follow creators who live lifestyles that excite and inspire you. The more you expose your mind to, the more expansive your belief system becomes.

5. Engage in Positive Practices

Incorporate daily practices that reinforce positivity:

Positivity is Contagious

When you consume uplifting content, you begin to radiate positivity. This not only transforms your own life but also influences those around you. Just as negativity breeds negativity, optimism, and inspiration are contagious. Your elevated state will naturally attract similar energy, creating a cycle of growth and opportunity.

Social Media: A Warped Reality

It’s important to remember that social media doesn’t reflect the full spectrum of reality. Most platforms are designed to niche down, showing you more of what you’ve already engaged with. If you’ve interacted with negativity, drama, or despair, your feed will continue to show you the same and you will naturally assume that life is just overall…negative.

But outside the digital world, life is expansive, diverse, and full of joy. If you don’t engage outside in the real world you will not be able to see this represented so make sure you limit your screen time! Don’t let the biased lens of social media dictate your perception of reality. Use it as a tool to inspire, not to limit.

The Comment Section: A Projection of Limited Perspectives

We live in a generation where everyone seems to have an opinion on everything and often forget these comments are simply projections of other people's limited perspectives—opinions shaped by their own experiences, beliefs, and biases. But in reality, these comments are no more factual than any other regular conversation. They’re subjective viewpoints, not universal truths.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of internalizing what others say, especially when their words align with our own fears, doubts, or insecurities. Think about it this way “Would you take advice from anyone living a life you don’t aspire to live like?” So be very mindful of who you are consuming. Instead of absorbing every comment as truth, take a step back and challenge what you read.

Don't let social media or the opinions of others define your beliefs. Define your own, choose what you want to believe in, and live life according to these beliefs. Remember, your subconscious mind doesn’t distinguish between fact and fiction—it absorbs everything like a sponge. This is why it’s crucial to be mindful of what you expose yourself to. The more you feed your subconscious with empowering and positive content, the more your internal world—and, in turn, your external reality—begins to shift.

Curate Your Life That Reflects Towards You on How You Want to Live!

Ultimately, your reality is shaped by your beliefs. And your beliefs are shaped by what you consume. By intentionally choosing content that reflects the life you want to live, you empower yourself to break free from limiting patterns and create a reality filled with growth, joy, and possibility.

Every day, you have a choice. Choose to consume things that excite you, challenge you, and fill you with optimism. Choose to believe in the good in people and the potential within yourself. And watch as the world responds by reflecting that same energy back to you.

Your life is your masterpiece. Curate it wisely.

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You Are Meant to Be a Creator Not a Consumer


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