How To Improve Your Internal Dialogue
Develop Positive Talk & Boost Self-Esteem
If you clicked on this guide, most likely you’re someone who has a harsh inner critic and you're trying to get rid of it.
The good news is you're not alone! Most of the world doesn't have a kind inner voice, but hold on- that doesn't mean you're doomed.
If anything you should be excited, because it's fixable (not easy but is). It's up to YOU to do the work and want to get better. In today's post, we are going to make it easier for you.
Remember the first step is to recognize your habits, the second is to research how to change them, and the third & most important is to apply the knowledge to your life.
“The Internal Guide” can give you the knowledge, but you have to be consistent in your routines/habits to see a noticeable change.
We believe in you as we know it's not easy to do.
Think about it, this is how you've been living your life for x amount of years. You can't just snap your finger and assume it will all go away instantly.
But that is why you have us here to assist you along the ride. Believe in yourself that you'll come out of the driver's seat better than ever! So put your seat belts on and trust in the journey! Let’s begin!
Today, we're diving into something super important: our internal dialogue. It's that little voice inside our heads that talks to us all day long. Sometimes it can be our biggest cheerleader, but other times, it can be our harshest critic. If you've ever found yourself feeling down or doubting yourself, chances are, your internal dialogue might need a little tune-up.
What is Internal Dialogue?
Your Internal dialogue is the ongoing conversation you have with yourself in your mind. It's influenced by everything from how you were raised to what you see on social media. As we grow up, our experiences, relationships, and society all shape this inner voice. It's our beliefs, assumptions, and perceptions about ourselves and the world around us.
For example, imagine two friends, Sarah and Emily. Sarah's internal dialogue is like a supportive coach. When she faces challenges, she says things like, "You've got this, Sarah! You've overcome tougher things before." On the other hand, Emily’s internal dialogue tends to be more critical. She might hear things like, "You'll never be good enough," or "Everyone else is doing better than you."
Sarah might have had supportive parents from her childhood who helped her create this positive inner voice. Whereas Emily could've had harsh parents who aren't supportive, but rather critical. There are so many reasons as to why some people could have either or.
How Internal Dialogue Forms
Our internal dialogue often starts developing in childhood. It's influenced by how our caregivers and teachers spoke to us and how we interpreted their feedback. If you grew up hearing a lot of praise and encouragement, your inner voice is likely more positive. But if criticism and negativity were more common, your inner dialogue might lean towards self-doubt.
Recognizing and Fixing Your Internal Dialogue
The good news is, that you can change your internal dialogue for the better. Here are some actionable tips to help you recognize and improve it:
Listen In: Start paying attention to what your inner voice is saying. Notice if it's kind and supportive or critical and negative. Awareness is the first step to making positive changes.
Challenge Negative Thoughts: When you catch your inner critic in action, challenge those thoughts. Ask yourself, "Is this really true? What evidence do I have to support this?" Often, you'll find that negative thoughts are exaggerated or untrue.
Practice Self-Compassion: Treat yourself like you would treat a friend. If a friend made a mistake, you wouldn't berate them; you'd offer comfort and encouragement. Apply the same kindness to yourself.
Affirmations and Rewiring: Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations. For example, if you catch yourself thinking, "I'm not smart enough," replace it with, "I am capable and intelligent." Eventually, this will become habitual, the brain loves routine.
Printable Positive Affirmations
If you're looking to attract luck, success, and wealth, or simply want a more optimistic outlook, these affirmations are crafted to help you achieve your goals and embrace abundance.
Surround Yourself with Positivity: Choose to spend time with people who uplift and support you. Limit exposure to media and social media that perpetuate negative self-talk. Get off social media if your feed is constantly bombarded with negativity, what you put your awareness on is what you will attract!
Meet Maya and Emma
Imagine Maya and Emma, both starting their journey of healing and self-improvement. Maya practices positive affirmations daily and reminds herself of her strengths when faced with challenges. Her internal dialogue is like having a supportive friend by her side.
Emma, on the other hand, is learning to challenge her inner critic. She catches herself when she starts to think negatively and actively replaces those thoughts with more empowering ones. It's a work in progress, but each small step helps her build a healthier mindset.
Examples of Negative & Positive Internal Dialogue
Example 1: Nicole (Good Internal Dialogue)
Nicole has developed a positive internal dialogue through years of self-reflection and self-care practices. When faced with challenges, her inner voice offers supportive and empowering messages. Her internal dialogue might be:
"I've faced tough situations before. I can handle this."
Self-Talk: Nicole acknowledges her strengths and believes in her ability to overcome obstacles.
Her internal dialogue focuses on growth and resilience.
The Importance of a Good Internal Dialogue:
Resilience: Nicole’s positive self-talk helps her bounce back from setbacks more effectively. Instead of dwelling on failures, she sees them as learning opportunities.
Self-Confidence: Her inner voice reinforces her capabilities, boosting her self-esteem and allowing her to take on new challenges with courage.
Emotional Well-being: Nicole experiences less stress and anxiety because her internal dialogue promotes self-compassion and understanding.
Example 2: Anissa (Negative Internal Dialogue)
Anissa, on the other hand, struggles with a negative internal dialogue influenced by past experiences and self-doubt. Her internal dialogue might be:
"I'll never be good enough. Everyone else seems to have it all together."
Self-Talk: Anissa’s inner voice tends to focus on shortcomings and comparison to others, leading to feelings of inadequacy and anxiety.
Impact of a Negative Internal Dialogue:
Low Self-Esteem: Anissa’s self-critical thoughts diminish her confidence and make her doubt her abilities. This can hinder her from pursuing opportunities or taking risks.
Perfectionism: The pressure to measure up to unrealistic standards set by her negative inner voice can lead to perfectionism, causing stress and burnout.
Relationships: Constant self-criticism can also affect Anissa’s relationships, as she may struggle to accept compliments or believe in the support of others.
Next Steps
Improving your internal dialogue isn't always easy, but it's worth the effort. Remember, it's okay to seek support from friends, family, or even a therapist if you're struggling. You deserve to have a positive and encouraging voice cheering you on every step of the way.
Start by doing The Internal Guide Triple R method:
Recognize: Go throughout your day and just notice your inner voice. Is it kind, harsh, critical, or anxious? See what triggers those negative thoughts. Sit with yourself and do some prompts to unlearn where you got this criticism from.
React: After you recognize who/ what this voice is, react to the thoughts. Is it helpful? If not change it, challenge it, or ignore it and think of something more helpful.
For example: You got a job interview for something younger you have been wanting for a long time. Is your inner voice celebratory or doubtful? If it's the latter and not the former, change it to something that empowers you!
Turn “what if” to “ I know I can”
Rewire: As stated previously, the brain loves routine, the more you change the way you interact with your inner voice, the easier it gets and eventually becomes innate. The hardest part is staying consistent!
Having a Good Internal Dialogue Is Important because it aids in:
Self-Empowerment: A positive internal dialogue empowers individuals to believe in their potential and take proactive steps toward their goals.
Resilience: It strengthens resilience by promoting a mindset that sees challenges as opportunities for growth rather than as insurmountable obstacles.
Mental Health: It promotes better mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and self-criticism, and nurturing self-compassion and self-acceptance.
Healthy Relationships: A positive inner voice enhances interpersonal relationships by encouraging openness, empathy, and a healthy sense of self-worth.
Cultivating a positive internal dialogue isn't just about feeling good at the moment; it's about building a strong foundation for personal growth, resilience, and overall well-being.
By nurturing a kind and supportive inner voice, you can embrace life's challenges with confidence and grace. Working towards transforming your inner dialogue to one that uplifts and motivates you to enact positive change.
So, here's to nurturing a kinder, more supportive internal dialogue—one that lifts you and helps you become the best version of yourself. You've got this!
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Let's reflect on what you learned. In the comment section below answer one of these questions from today’s post.
Take a moment to listen to your inner dialogue. What tone does it typically take? Is it more supportive and encouraging, or critical and negative?
Which of the actionable tips mentioned resonate with you the most? How might you incorporate them into your daily life to cultivate a more positive internal dialogue?
Reflect on Maya and Emma's stories. Which aspects of their journeys do you find most relatable or inspiring? What steps can you take today to start improving your internal dialogue?
Can you pinpoint certain triggers or situations where your internal dialogue tends to become more negative? How do you usually respond to these situations?